Powerful Question #5

Question Mark 2The late Charlie “Tremendous” Jones used to say, “You’ll be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”

Who is one person you’ve met and one book you’ve read in the past year that has had a positive influence on you?

Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

View the rest of the Powerful Questions series by clicking here.

Nathan Magnuson is a leadership consultant, coach, trainer and thought leader.  Receive his new ebook Trusted Leadership Advisor by subscribing to his website  or follow him on Twitter.

Nathan Magnuson is an executive leadership consultant, speaker and author of the books Stand Out! and Ignite Your Leadership Expertise. Click to see the exciting ways Nathan is helping organizations and teams become more effective with Leadership-in-a-Box.

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3 thoughts on “Powerful Question #5

  1. Last summer I went on a trip to Atlanta and randomly bumped into Michael Hyatt. I told him I had his new book Platform on my reading list. (Truth is, my reading list is pretty long which means I can’t get to a lot of really great books). But in the short interaction I had with Michael, I decided to bump Platform to the top of my list. It was truly a game-changer and influenced just about everything about how I set up and approach this website. I’d have been lost without him! You don’t need to meet Michael Hyatt in order to benefit from his experience and knowledge. Here’s a link to his book: http://astore.amazon.com/thoufortheeve-20/detail/159555503X

  2. This year I read “Finish the Mission” and met one of the authors, Michael Oh. Both the book and the author have impacted my life.

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